2021 // visual

Custom skateboard deck for Curb Skateshop in Ghent

About the brand

As one of my assignments at college we were asked to design a skateboard deck. We could choose our own theme and style, nothing was off-limits. I wanted to create something a bit personal and since my go-to line is "Holy Guac", I quite literally designed the deck with that in mind.

You might wonder, where does Curb Skateshop come in? Well, it wasn't just any assignment, it was a competition. The best deck design would be produced and sold on the website of the local skateshop called Curb. Students could vote on their favourite designs and the best ones would be presented to the owners of Curb, they then decided on the final winner. Unfortunately, my design was not selected but I am very proud of my design and it is a matter of personal taste. I love guac and I also love my "Holy Guac" deck.


When I was designing my board, I started of with a different colour palette than the one I used to compete with. I followed the advice of my professors and ended up using purple as my background colour. I don't regret my decision but I also loved the yellow version of the board so I included it here anyway.



As you can see, the yellow version of the board uses a very similar colour palette. The biggest difference is that the purple is less bright and a tad more muted, making the yellow stand out more. The greens and blues are also slightly different. The undertone of the green is more blue and the blues have a yellow base making it more turquoise. The red can be mistaken for orange compared to its magenta-based counterpart on the purple board.
